1. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
By this I mean that the topics of computation, fractals, chaos,
complex systems, and adaptation are far more interesting considered
together than by themselves. Each of the topics is related to the
others in a non-trivial way; moreover, each can be seen as the result
of a few simple principles such as recursion, parallelism, and
Let's examine this idea further. Starting from a computational
framework, fractals are special ``programs'' that build self-similar
Computation |
structural |
self-similarity |
Fractals |
The program in this case often involves a form of recursion that
specifies how one part of a fractal
looks like another portion
of it
(or of the whole fractal). Other times, as in the case of the
Mandelbrot set
and in
Julia sets,
structural self-similarity appears
almost as a side-effect because the compact rules that describe such
objects do not explicitly contain specifications for how things should
In either case, when one allows the rules of a fractal to be
expressed ad infinitum strange mathematical properties can be
found in the structural forms of the fractal. In the most extreme
cases, fractals such as the Mandelbrot set can be seen as mathematical
statements that are similar in complexity to incomputable problems
found in computer science.
Chaotic systems are similar to fractals but contain functional
self-similarity that occurs at different scales.
Fractals |
functional |
self-similarity |
Chaos |
More specifically, while we could visually confirm that a portion
of a fractal is similar to itself, it is also possible to see how a
chaotic system is functionally self-similar. Often times, this
functional self-similarity shows itself as a characteristic behavior
that occurs on multiple time and/or spatial scales. This is why a
strange attractor
(which is a characterization of a chaotic system's
behavior) will usually have a fractal shape to it.
Chaos, which depends on nonlinearity, is usually studied in systems
that can be described with only a few equations. However, another type
of chaos is found in large collections that operate in parallel.
Examples of this latter type include ecosystems, economies, and
chemical soups. We refer to such collections as complex systems
because even though a single agent in the collection can be understood
(e.g., a predator, stock trader, or reactant) the composite behavior
of the system is far more complicated.
Chaos |
multiplicity |
& parallelism |
Complex Systems |
Hence, by adding multiplicity and parallelism to collections of
simple nonlinear agents, it is possible to produce behavior that is
not only chaotic, but computationally profound as well.
One of the more interesting facts concerning complex systems is that
sophisticated behavior can be found even when the interactions among
the system's agents are constrained to be local. Sometimes the
details of how the interaction occur can be subtly modified, as in the
case when a synapse that connects two neurons is allowed to strengthen
or weaken.
Complex Systems |
feedback |
Adaptation |
Since agents in a complex system are all indirectly coupled to one
another, it is possible for a sophisticated form of feedback to occur
that allows the agents (and the system as a whole) to adapt in a
seemingly intelligent manner. While an obvious form of adaptation
through feedback is found in the brain, more subtle forms can be found
in market economies, immune systems, and through evolution.
Since adaptation is ultimately a form of modeling (where events
external to the adapted system are mirrored internally), adaptive
systems that alter their environment are indirectly altering
Adaptation |
self- |
reference |
Computation |
This means that some adaptive systems can be self-referential (or
recursive), which is a requirement for the ability to perform complex
computations. Adaptive systems that contain such self-reference (such
as recurrent neural networks) are capable of universal computation.
Having come full-circle in seeing how all of these topics relate in a
sequential manner, it is now worthwhile to see what some of the
cross-connections are between the five topics. The table below
contains a list of subjects that relate to two or more of the book
Computation |
Fractals |
Chaos |
Complex Systems |
Adaptation |
Computation |
--- |
recursion |
incomputability |
cellular automata |
coadaptation |
Fractals |
recursion |
--- |
strange attractors |
growth models |
hierarchical models |
Chaos |
incomputability |
strange attractors |
--- |
phase transitions |
emergence |
Complex Systems |
cellular automata |
growth models |
phase transitions |
--- |
self-organization |
Adaptation |
coadaptation |
hierarchical models |
emergence |
self-organization |
--- |
As can be seen, there are many subjects that are clearly related to
more than one book part. By viewing all of these topics in a
multidisciplinary manner, one can appreciate how the topics of
computation, fractals, chaos, complex system, and adaptation are far
more interesting when considered together.