To date, I have received a couple of emails from people starting
up classes based on the book (even a high school class---very cool).
Would you like to exchange ideas for class activities,
projects, lectures, and experiments? If so, this is the place to do
it. Send me email with any questions that
your have, or with resources that you want to share.
Possible contributions could be:
- lecture transparencies in power-point, PS, or PDF,
- a compilation of student project ideas,
- problem sets and solutions within specific areas,
- quizzes, tests, homework or program assignments,
- actual student projects, or
- source code for new and improved examples.
So, in a nutshell, if you have something to contribute, send it to me.
If you need something and want to post a request, send that as well.
This page will have a download section for class / instructor
resources as soon as critical mass on contributions is achieved,