Any discrete piece of information can be represented by a set of
numbers. Systems that compute can represent powerful mappings from
one set of numbers to another. Moreover, any program on any computer
is equivalent to a number mapping. These mappings can be thought of as
statements about the properties of numbers; hence, there is a close
connection between computer programs and mathematical proofs. But
there are more possible mappings than possible programs; thus, there
are some things that simply cannot be computed. The actual process
of computing can be defined in terms of a very small number of
primitive operations, with recursion and/or iteration
comprising the most fundamental pieces of a computing device.
Computing devices can also make statements about other computing
devices. This leads to a fundamental paradox that ultimately exposes
the limitations not just of of machine logic, but all of nature as
Chapter 2 introduces some important properties of different types
of numbers, sets, and infinities. Chapter 3 expands on
this by introducing the concepts behind computation and shows how
computation can be seen to operate over sets of integers.
Chapter 4 ties together some of the paradoxes seen in the
earlier chapters to show how they are applicable to all of
Euclidean geometry can be extended to account for objects with a
fractional dimension. Such objects, known as fractals, come
very close to capturing the richness and variety of forms found in
nature. Fractals possess structural self-similarity on multiple
spatial scales, meaning that a piece of a fractal will often look like
the whole. Related to this property is the fact that fractals are
extremely compressible in the sense that an algorithm or recipe for
the image is far simpler to store than the image itself. This is due
to the recursive and/or iterative nature of the fractal algorithm.
But since fractals are so closely tied to algorithms, some fractals
have the same paradoxical properties as systems that can compute.
Chapter 5 introduces some of the basic ideas behind fractal
geometry by considering some unusual geometric objects as well as some
common stochastic processes found in nature. Chapter 6 focuses on
L-systems, which are simple program fragments that can define
plantlike and other fractals. Chapter 7 considers fractals that can
be defined by linear algebra operators, and Chapter 8 focuses on two
special types of nonlinear fractals. This part is concluded by 9,
which examines how fractals can be seen as ``nearly simple'' objects
by some candidate measures of complexity.
Simple motion is rare in nature. It is more common to find highly
complicated nonlinear motion due to chaos. Chaotic systems can
easily be mistaken for randomness despite the fact that they are
always deterministic. Part of the confusion is due to the fact that
the future of chaotic systems can be predicted only on very short-term
time scales. Chaotic systems possess a form of functional
self-similarity that shows itself in fractal strange attractors. This
fractal functionality, combined with chaotic unpredictability, is
reminiscent of the uncertainty found in computing systems.
Chapter 10 introduces the key components of chaotic systems and
highlights the properties common to all such systems. Chapter 11
contains a sampling of fractal strange attractors that are
generated from chaotic systems. Chapter 12 considers a type of chaos
found in producer-consumer systems, and compares and contrasts two
very different types of modeling methods. Chapter 13 shows how some
of the properties of chaotic systems can be exploited for the purpose
of controlling them. Finally, Chapter 14 compares and contrasts chaos
to randomness and incomputability.
Complex systems are things that consist of many similar and
simple parts. Often the underlying behavior of any of the parts is
easily understood, while the behavior of the system as a whole defies
simple explanation. Part of the reason why complex systems can behave
in such complicated ways is that some general forms are known to be
capable of universal computation. This double-edged result also
implies that the future of complex systems cannot be predicted in the
general case. By changing the type and form of interactions that
exist among the parts of a complex system, the type of global behavior
can be varied such that the complex system as a whole can be globally
goal-seeking while only local information is passed around by the
parts. This means that a collective form of computation can take
place without an explicit global algorithm.
Chapter 15 introduces a simple and nearly canonical form of a
complex system, known as a cellular automaton. Chapter 16
shows how collective systems composed of individual agents can
demonstrate self-organized behavior. Chapter 17 reveals how
mixtures of competition and cooperation can produce many different and
interesting types of behavior that are seen in nature. Chapter 18
illustrates how a collective form of computation can be performed by
feedback neural networks with fixed synapses. Finally, Chapter
19 examines how the global form and function of composite objects can
be influenced by the parts of the system and the types of interactions
In the most general sense, adaptation is a feedback process in
which external changes in an environment are mirrored by compensatory
internal changes in an adaptive system. In the simplest case, an
adaptive system may act in a regulatory manner, like a thermostat, so
as to maintain some property of the environment at a constant level.
An interesting type of adaptation is found in complex systems in which
the interactions among the subunits are allowed to change. This
process is very similar to a self-modifying program, since the actions
of the adaptive unit can affect the environment, which, in turn, feeds
information back to the adaptive system. Thus, adaptation can be seen
as a computation of the most complex form that emerges through the
multiplicity and recursion of simple subunits.
This final book part contains examples of adaptation that resemble
naturally occurring forms of adaptation. Chapter 20 concentrates on
genetic algorithms as methods for solving many different types
of problems. Chapter 21 considers classifier systems, which
contain a form of adaptation similar to what is found in social
systems and immune systems. Chapter 22 shows how artificial neural
networks can be used to classify patterns and to learn arbitrary
functions. Finally, Chapter 23 considers how models, the phenomena
they model, and search methods are all interconnected in a
computation-like form of self-reference.
Recursion, which is the hallmark of computation, is an integral part
of the structural and functional self-similarity of fractals and
chaos. Parallel collections of simple things possess a similar form
of recursion that comes about from local interactions. When
interactions are permitted to change, systems can display collective
behavior that is computationally profound.
The line between computability and incomputability defines a spectrum
in which all natural phenomena exist. Things that reside at either of
the two extremes are usually uninteresting because they are either too
ordered or too disordered. Things in between the two operational
extremes display a stunning variety of sophistication, complexity, and
beauty that is directly related to the computable properties of these
Because of the power of computation and the ubiquity of
computational-like features in natural systems, a mixture of
computability and incomputability forms an interface between
the hierarchical partitions of natural systems. This, in turn, has
deep implications for how closely humanity can understand nature.