The Computational Beauty of Nature
Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos,
Complex Systems, and Adaptation

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GAIPD Documentation



       gaipd - breed IPD strategies with a genetic algorithm


       gaipd -help
       gaipd  [-size  integer]  [-gens  integer] [-bouts integer]
              [-rounds integer] [-hlen integer]  [-seed  integer]
              [-crate  double]  [-mrate  double]  [-noise double]
              [-CC double] [-CD double] [-DC double] [-DD double]


       Use a genetic algorithm to evolve IPD strategies according
       to user-specified constraints.  This  program  illustrates
       how  GAs can demonstrate co-evolution since IPD strategies
       can only be successful within the context of their  likely
       opponents.   Reproduction  of strategies entails crossover
       and mutation with strategies being selected based on  fit-


       -size integer
              Population size.

       -gens integer
              Number of generations.

       -bouts integer
              Bouts per generation.

       -rounds integer
              Rounds per bout.

       -hlen integer
              History length.

       -seed integer
              Random seed.

       -crate double
              Crossover rate.

       -mrate double
              Mutation rate.

       -noise double
              Chance of mistake in transaction.

       -CC double
              Reward Payoff.

       -CD double
              Sucker Payoff.

       -DC double
              Temptation Payoff.

       -DD double
              Punish Payoff.

       -dump  Print entire population at end?


       The  payoff matrix for the Prisoner's Dilemma game is usu-
       ally expressed as:
                                 Player B's Move
            Player A's Move | cooperate |  defect   |
                | cooperate |  CC, CC   |  CD, DC   |
                |    defect |  DC, CD   |  DD, DD   |

       where the table entries are (A's payoff, B's  payoff)  and
       CC, CD, DC, and DD are the reward, sucker, temptation, and
       punish payoffs, respectively.  For each of these four out-
       comes  you  will  probably want the payoffs to reflect the

            (DC > CC > DD > CD) and ((CD + DC) / 2 < CC).


       A single generation proceeds as follows.  Each  member  of
       the  population  must  play  several  bouts  with randomly
       selected opponents.  For each opponent, several rounds are
       played.  The total score after these bouts is a strategy's
       raw fitness score.


       Since population strings may be  optionally  displayed  at
       the end of the simulation, this section describes the for-
       mat of these strings.  Given two players, A and B, and the
       current  time,  t, and letting cooperation be denoted by 0
       and defection by 1, form a bit string such as:

            A(t-1) B(t-1) A(t-2) B(t-2) ... A(t-H) B(t-H)

       where A(T) and B(T) are A  and  B's  moves  from  time  T,
       respectively,  and  H  is the number of time steps "remem-
       bered" by each player.  This bit string can take 2^(2 * H)
       values.  To define a complete strategy, we must have a H +
       1 separate tables of this form to describe  each  possible
       history.   Thus,  the rule table string used internally in
       the program and displayed at the end have as  their  first
       entry  the move to make with no previous history, followed
       by four entries for H equals to  1,  followed  by  sixteen
       entries for when H equals 2, and so on.

       As an annotated example, Tit-for-Tat is encoded as "CCDCD"
       so that the first "C" indicates that the first move should
       be  C  while the last for characters indicate what to play
       if A(t-1) and B(t-1) is equal to (C, C), (C, D),  (D,  C),
       and (D, D), respectively.


       Without  any  parameters  (and assuming you have an uncor-
       rupted version if this source code) running  this  program
       without  any  parameters  will probably result in Tit-for-
       Tat, "CCDCD", dominating. If you run it  with  the  -noise
       0.1 option, then Pavlov, "CCDDC", will probably win in the
       end since it is more resistant to noise.

       See  the  author's  book,  "The  Computational  Beauty  of
       Nature," for more details.


       The  fitness  function  relies on two steps done after the
       raw fitness scores are calculated.  The raw fitness  score
       from  the  previous step is divided by the total number of
       PD rounds played.  (Note that this may vary among  popula-
       tion  members  since  opponents  are  selected at random.)
       This yields a scaled fitness score.  The  normalized  fit-
       ness  is then set to the scaled fitness divided by the sum
       of the scaled fitnesses.  Thus the sum of  the  normalized
       fitnesses must be equal to one.


       No  sanity  checks  are performed to make sure that any of
       the options make sense.


       Copyright (c) 1997, Gary William Flake.

       Permission granted for any use according to  the  standard
       GNU ``copyleft'' agreement provided that the author's com-
       ments are neither modified nor removed.   No  warranty  is
       given or implied.

Copyright © Gary William Flake, 1998-2002. All Rights Reserved. Last modified: 30 Nov 2002