An essential step in the derivation of the local-tuple transformation
function C from the coordinate transformation F was the deduction
of the relationship between the velocities in the two coordinate
systems. We did this by inserting coordinate paths into the
coordinate transformation function F, differentiating, and then
generalizing the results on the path to arbitrary velocities at a
moment. The last step is an example of a more general problem of
abstracting a local-tuple function from a path function. Given a
function f of a local tuple, a corresponding path-dependent function
[q] is
[q] = f o
[q]. Given
how can we reconstitute f? The local-tuple function f depends on
only a finite number of components of the local tuple, and
depends only on the corresponding local components of the path. So
has the same value for all paths that have that number of
components of the local tuple in common. Given
we can
reconstitute f by taking the argument of f, which is a finite
initial segment of a local tuple, constructing a path that has this
local description, and finding the value of
for this path.
Two paths that have the same local description up to the nth derivative are said to osculate with order-n contact. For example, a path and the truncated power series representation of the path up to order n have order-n contact; if fewer than n derivatives are needed by a local-tuple function, the path and the truncated power series representation are equivalent. Let O be a function that generates an osculating path with the given local-tuple components. So O(t, q, v, ...)(t) = q, D(O(t, q, v, ...))(t) = v, and in general
The number of components of the local tuple that are required is finite, but unspecified. One way of constructing O is through the truncated power series
where the number of terms is the same as the number of components of the local tuple that are specified.
Given the path function we reconstitute the f function as
follows. We take the argument of f and construct an osculating path
with this local description. Then the value of f is the value of
for this osculating path:
Let be the function that takes
a path function and returns the corresponding local-tuple function:
From equation (1.165) we see that
The procedure Gamma-bar implements the function
that reconstitutes a path-dependent function into a local-tuple function:
(define ((Gamma-bar f-bar) local)
((f-bar (osculating-path local)) (time local)))
The procedure osculating-path takes a number of local components and returns a path with these components; it is implemented as a power series.
We can use Gamma-bar to construct the procedure F->C that takes a coordinate transformation F and generates the procedure that transforms local tuples. The procedure F->C constructs a path-dependent procedure f-bar that takes a coordinate path in the primed system and returns the local tuple of the corresponding path in the unprimed coordinate system. It then uses Gamma-bar to abstract f-bar to arbitrary local tuples in the primed coordinate system.
(define (F->C F)
(define (f-bar q-prime)
(define q
(compose F (Gamma q-prime)))
(Gamma q))
(Gamma-bar f-bar))
((F->C p->r)
(->local 't (up 'r 'theta) (up 'rdot 'thetadot))))
Notice that in this definition of F->C we do not explicitly calculate any derivatives. The calculation that led up to the state transformation (1.74) is not needed.
We can also use to make an elegant formula for
computing the total time derivative Dt F of the function F:
The total time derivative can be expressed as a program:
(define (Dt F)
(define (G-bar q)
(D (compose F (Gamma q))))
(Gamma-bar G-bar))
Given a procedure F implementing a local-tuple function and a path q, we construct a new procedure (compose F (Gamma q)). The procedure G-bar implements the derivative of this function of time. We then abstract this off the path with Gamma-bar to give the total time derivative.
Exercise 1.31. Velocity transformation
Use the procedure Gamma-bar to construct a procedure that
transforms velocities given a coordinate transformation. Apply this
procedure to the procedure p->r to deduce (again)
equation (1.65).
Exercise 1.32. Path functions and state functions
The local-tuple function f is the same as the local-tuple function
) where
[q] = f o
[q]. On
the other hand, the path function
[q] and the path function
) o
[q] are not necessarily the same.
Explain. Give examples where they are the same and where they are
not the same. Write programs to illustrate the behavior.
Given a Lagrangian, the Lagrange equations test paths to determine whether they are realizable paths of the system. The Lagrange equations relate the path and its derivatives. The fact that the Lagrange equations must be satisfied at each moment suggests that we can abstract the Lagrange equations off the path and write them as relations among the local-tuple components of realizable paths.
Let [L] be the path-dependent function that produces the
residuals of the Lagrange equations (1.18) for
the Lagrangian L:
Realizable paths q satisfy the Lagrange equations
The path-dependent Lagrange equations can be converted to local
Lagrange equations using :
The operator E is called the Euler-Lagrange operator. In terms of this operator the Lagrange equations are
Applying the definition (1.167) of yields
So the Euler-Lagrange operator is explicitly
The procedure Euler-Lagrange-operator implements E:
(define (Euler-Lagrange-operator L)
(- (Dt ((partial 2) L)) ((partial 1) L))) .
For example, applied to the Lagrangian for the harmonic oscillator, we have
(L-harmonic 'm 'k))
(->local 't 'x 'v 'a)))
(+ (* a m) (* k x))
Notice that the components of the local tuple are individually specified. Using equation (1.172), the Lagrange equations for the harmonic oscillator are87
(Euler-Lagrange-operator (L-harmonic 'm 'k))
(Gamma (literal-function 'x) 4))
(+ (* k (x t)) (* m (((expt D 2) x) t)))
Exercise 1.33. Properties of E
Let F and G be two Lagrangian-like functions of a local tuple, C
be a local-tuple transformation function, and c a constant.
Demonstrate the following properties:
a. E[F + G] = E[F] + E[G]
b. E[c F] = c E[F]
c. E[F G] = E[F] G + F E[G] + (Dt F) 2 G +
2 F (Dt G)
d. E[F o C] = Dt (DF o C) 2 C + DF o C E[C]
87 Notice that Gamma has one more argument than it usually has. This argument gives the length of the initial segment of the local tuple needed. The default length is 3, giving components of the local tuple up to and including the velocities.