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 title  author  designer  WebTake
 shaping things  bruce sterling  lorraine wild john thackara
schoenerwissen OfCD
    A brilliant, often hilarious history of created objects and the environment, Shaping Things proposes that in the future we will see a new kind of thing: the user-alterable, baroquely multi-featured, and programmable "spime" that will be sustainable, enhanceable, and uniquely identifiable. This short book is a call to great action.
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  Thackara's  poetic response leads to a Schoenerwissen’s textual filter, a mode of meaning making enabled by databases.
the WebTake...
    latest release can be purchased from MIT Press and Amazon   WebTake
 rhythm science  paul d. miller  aka Dj
Spooky that subliminal kid
 New York/Amsterdam
 peter halley
    A heady mix of autobiography and theory, roaming from W.E.B. Du Bois to Gilles Deleuze to the Wu-Tang Clan, Rhythm Science melds words, images, and sounds to demonstrate how conceptual art, popular culture, and idealism can activate one another in this era of multiplex consciousness.
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  Artist, writer, and publisher Peter Halley's Hypnotext, a mesmeric remixer
the WebTake...

 writing machines  n. katherine hayles  anne burdick  erik loyer
    Hayles explores how literature has transformed itself from inscriptions rendered as the flat durable marks of print to the dynamic images of CRT screens, from verbal texts to the diverse sensory modalities of multimedia works, from books to technotexts.
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  Media artist and information designer Erik Loyer's interactive, animated,
Web machine response
the WebTake...
    An extension of the book, the Web Supplement includes the lexicon linkmap, scholarly apparatus, and offers alternative mappings of the book's conceptual terrain with functionalities unavailable in print.
about the web supplement...



 utopian entrepreneur  brenda laurel  denise gonzales crisp  scott mcCloud
    A mix of critical theory, millennial feminism and business narritive covering Laurels' experiences in the land of start-ups, IPOs and the bottom line. Laurel was formerly with Interval Research and Purple Moon.
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  Cartoon and interface guru Scott McCloud's online comic response.
the WebTake...

Mediawork pamphlets can be purchased from MIT Press, Amazon, and good bookstores.


Website by Triplecode